Sunday 22 November 2015


Woke up earlier to make some breakfast for myself because it had been a while since I did that :-)

While cracking some eggs, I received the best morning gift?? Chek whatsapped me from his bunk in the jungle!!! How lucky, no wonder I was 'supposed' to wake up early hehe ^_^ He finished his mission early and his senior let him have his phone back for a while :-) One week down, two more to go! It was good to know (but actually quite funny) that he'd been fed pretty well due to some kind souls hahaha. It's so cool that he's climbed so many mountains so far - he's living my dream *__* But I wouldn't want to explore nature in his context haha.

Another 8 day outfield mission and he'll be done with training!! When I think about it, they don't really need 21 days.... #efficiencyproblems

Went back to studying for exams but got distracted and started on my 2016 journal decoration hahaha. I really like how it looks so far. Comparing to previous years, my notebooks are getting thinner and smaller and more minimalist haha. I think it's because I use my phone much more to organise my dates, so a diary for everything isn't necessary.

Took a nap from 5pm - 7.30pm oh my goodness haha, but if you're tired nothing can stop you. Whee, then I went for dance class at R! Everyone's worrying about the choreo made me anxious but I'm not as scared as I used to. I know that whatever piece Amsyar teaches us will be difficult for me, but more than that I feel excited and eager to learn. Call it a heck care attitude, but dance class (which was 2 hours + long haha) was super fun :-) Time to get my 13 class package HAHA!