Monday 8 June 2015

Day out with the bbs!

Meeting point: Newton MRT Station!

I was feeling hungry so I bought a polar hot dog pastry hoho. I like how this 7-eleven has seats for people to sit down!

 Finally at JCube's Ice Rink for some ice skating!!

Post ice-skating pics - my feet hurt like crap!! Sigh, hereditary bunion problems :-(

 Watching this man smoothen the ice ring was like watching art.

 Back to Nicole's hotel/condo - the interior design is so beautz ;_;

Awkward smiles HAHAHA

 Played Guitar Hero for the first time! It was super fun and I managed to up my difficulty to medium yoho (even though that does not sound like much). However, once my fingers got tired I could not hit any of the 'notes' HAHAHA!

Gurl singing her soul out~

 This be the "bb band".

 Bass and guitar!

 Most fun song of the day! That's because we all knew this song hehehe.

 More jamming with the piano! This seems to be becoming a ritual to end off our night when we all go to Nicole's house.

^ Progression of a house party ^

HAHA, some shots look like those fake candid pictures - but the laughter is REAL!

Thanks for an awesome day, my cute bbs~
Side note: forever in debt to Mama Goon because she always cooks for us when we come over :'>