((feeling like this dying bouquet of flowers))
So we’re in the 2nd
week of ‘A’ Levels and things aren’t going too well? General Paper and Maths
was not too bad but Literature P1 and Economics P1 was a killer :-(
Monday was not the best
of days because:
1. Literature was tough
2. I walked out of
school thinking my mum was not in the car park when she was
3. On my way to finding
her, I stepped on dog poop
So, yeah not a good day.
Also, cramming for Economics the next day was not easy.
However, I am glad that
I kind of managed to get over those things quite quickly! So, I want to take
this time to just try to give myself a little encouragement by thinking of some
positive things :-)
like how small Singapore is – when it rains on your side, it feels homely that
somewhere else, your friends or a random stranger is seeing the same rain
really grateful that I have Chek who is very patient and understanding. I’ve
never met anyone who wraps their love around another person like he does
am thankful for this piece of biscuit and cheddar I am currently eating, hehe
are ending in 10 days!!! So thank goodness for that
making sure my stomach does not make weird sounds during exams