The juniors prepared a mini farewell for us
seniors :-) Though because BT2 GP paper was the next day, many seniors could
not make it, so I was pretty sad :-( Nonethleless, I am rest grateful that they
actually planned something for us, no matter how small! I rushed over from my
consultation to find out that Domino's do not deliver to central regions of
Singapore. The horror! So we had to substitute for Canadian Pizza. However, it
turned out to be d e l i c i o u s :-) Now, I want to order some Canadian Pizza
2 for 1, hehe!
Before indulging in our tea time snack, Gavan
wanted to take some batch photos, which I thought was very sweet too :-)
Photograpers photographing a Photographic Society batch photo! Photos are
always nice to keep, so we took the above ones!
Though it was quite a short session, I'm
thankful for all of then, no matter how strange and awkward they are, hehe!
There may have been people who I could not get along with, and probably never
will, but memories were made and I do not regret any one of them :-)
"No one is here by chance"